I need some feedback, good or bad, please.
I am the secretary of our PTO. We have a Pres, VPres, Sec, and Treas. The problem is that no-one other than myself ever does anything. I have done all of the bookfairs, the santa shop, the visit with santa, the luncheons, back to school night, our major fundraiser,our carnival, and the day to day things by myself. I'm not complaining, I love my volunteer work (I also work at the school), sometimes it is much more rewarding than my paid job. However, here's the problem. Our President has not been to one meeting this year, she has not helped with anything at the school all year and the other officers are complaining that I do all the work. I tell them that we are all at the same meeting when we discuss everything that needs to be completed for the upcoming month. We all know what needs to be completed, when it needs to be completed and what time we should all meet at the school but when the time comes they all dissapear. They always say they never know what is going on but they are at the meetings, and I send them copies of my newsletter that explains everything that the PTO discussed at the meeting. What should I say to them to make them understand that I am not their babysitter, It is not my job to call them everytime an event comes up to ask them to help me. They know when we do things, they know that somehow they get done, they know they should be in there to help me but they always have excuses about why they cannot help and then complain that I do all the work and they never know what is going on. They also want to me fill them in each month before our public meetings so they won't look silly in front of other parents. I have total cooperation from our building Principal so there is not problem there. Please provide me with some feedback....please. Thanks