Oh my goodness...this seems really out the realm of most Parent Groups. What does your principal say? This seems similar to a situation that people have posted on this website regarding giving financial assistance with funeral expenses when a child at the school passes away. As cruel as it seems, I just don't think it's your "purpose" but I'll be curious to see how others respond.
Is she not eligible for any other type of assistance? We have a wonderful shelter for homeless families in our city that I think would assist a family like that, especially a mother with children.
We have a family that is asking for assistance from the school with several issues. The Dad left his family to return to the Middle East and in doing so he drained the checking and savings and all the credit cards were in his name. The Mom was litterly left with and apartment (paid up thank goodness) and a car, and two children. The school councelor/social worker is trying so hard to help but the mom doesn't even have a work visa which is making it impossible for many of the state agencies to help her.
I just recieved and e-mail from the councelor asking if we can help her with her light bill. Can we do that? My consern is, I know my light bill averages $200 on a good month, but I don't want to leave her and the kids without power. She is also recieving a care package of canned goods and a turkey for Christmas dinner.
Our by-laws have nothing and we are not yet a 501(C)3.