kmamom wrote: While I understand how people can be threatened by the idea of executive board meetings and feel they're exclusionary, I also feel they are REALLY important.
I have to agree with kmamom, Two Kids and dlf. I think they are extremely important!!!
(if they are utilized properly-harder that it sounds
Unless you have a small group, an Exec. Board is vital! Our Board is large (about 25 members) and before holding EB meetings our meetings were lasting 2-3 hours each month.
(We had lot of committee work being done and too many people trying to make the decisions. We needed change.)
This is our first year to hold EB meetings. We meet an hour prior to our regular monthly Board meeting. We have five different VP's assigned to oversee each work area and committee and within our PTO. The VP's, along with the Treas., Sec., Faculty Rep. and Pres. and Principal, make up our EB. We don't give "reports" - those are for the Board meeting. The purpose is to use that time as more of a planning/work session. We are supposed to do calendar work, goal setting, planning, address problems, issues, obstacles, etc. Because each VP oversees a certain area, we should have a good idea of what is going on overall. For example, our VP over Communications & Publications keeps in contact with all of the groups that fall within that area. She is to communicate with them and relate info to the EB. It sounds good on paper, but it hasn't quite worked as well as we had hoped. If a VP drops the ball, you lose contact with a whole group. So it needs a little tweaking. :confused:
While everyone might not be thrilled about it, our Principal loves it!
It has cut our meeting time in half. [img]smile.gif[/img] But, the "rumblings" are that people feel uninformed, left out and that we are rushing through our regular Board meetings. It is just different and change is always hard! All votes still go before our Board. We just try to handle issues and problems within our EB. We want the committees to do their work outside of the meetings and stick to "reports" only during meetings.
We also hold a monthly general membership meeting (before a program - so big attendance) mostly short and informational - until election time and budget/spending approval. Our regular Board meeting is open - anyone can attend. Committee chairs are expected to attend if they are actively working on something.