I do not work full time per say. I work every chance I get called as a sub aide, cook, and after fall break..teacher. I have classes two days a week. On Tuesdays I do not get out of class until 8:00. I do not live close to our school so I can't run up there everyday that I am not working to do things because I have a gas hog and we all know about ga$. I tried to make it clear that PTO would have to come after family, classes, and work. If they don't understand they can vote me out.
I am having a hard time finding parents that want to be involved at this level. Alot of our parents do work now that their children are older. I have put a few things together but I pretty much feel the biggest thing I do is the web page and newsletter. We did get to have our first sno cone day ever at this school the day before fall break began. I did have some volunteers to show, thank heavens, because my oldest child was sick and I couldn't leave home after I took him to the dr. When I called to give my directions and support the cirriculum coord. and FRC coorid. already had everything set up and ready to go. I was guilt riddled at first but I got over it quick. I am one person and I cannot do everything. I will continue to do my best and beg for help.
My fundraising chair is doing an excellent job with that. She can meet with everyone when I can't and she keeps me informed. In fact we are starting our big fundraiser in a few weeks. I am not looking forward to that. I don't know what I'd do without her. My VP and secretary also work full time. The treasurer is a teacher so her time limited as well.
I was going to run for pres at the elementary last year but as soon as I announced the pres decided she would run again and I was told I couldn't win against her. I digressed. Glad I did, she is doing a good job and I couldn't have put all I would want into it. Most of the time I am wishing I hadn't of even took this position. I was pres at the elementary for two years. It was time consuming but it can be done if you work. The lady that was pres when my oldest son started pre-k worked full time and the PTO ran very smoothly.
Don't be shy to ask for help. Just make sure the one helping knows what to do. So many people would rather be asked and feel more comfortable when they are given guidelines and directions. Does your group know how lucky they are to have an atty. on board? LOL! Several times I've wished I had one handy to make sure we were going in the right direction with all that legal jargon.