Field Trips - The PTO subsidizes the cost of a bus (or busses) up to $250/grade. Each grade takes this into account when budgeting their field trips for the year. The school pays the full bus bill and the PTO reimburses the school.
Programs - We spend about $8K a year on bringing in educational programs for the kids. Most programs are for the entire school, but when there is budget left over smaller programs are arranged for the grades. The committee chair and the Principal work to ensure the Programs are appropriately tied to the curriculum and that each of the grades get equal treatment
Teacher Allocations - Each grade teacher and one of each type of specialist (gym, music, science, et. al.) recieves a stipend to spend on classroom materials.
We also buy a regular supply of recess equipment each year (replacing lost balls, sidewalk chalk, card games)
I am looking for some examples of policies and procedures for spending money on grade level wish lists and special events.
For example:
We give the money to the grade level--not individual teachers.
All items purchased for this school stay at this school. They will not travel with individual teachers.
If you have any pol./proc. would you please pass them on for our consideration:)