Unfortunately We had all new officers this year and not too many offered up their time being chairpersons. I was'nt too familiar with the woman and she was the only one who signed up for these events.
Lets just say next year when I run again. I'm going to make sure she only gets on certain things.
This is how we did our chairpersons. Let me know if you choose differently.
At one meeting usually at the end of the school year we choose our officers and then we have a list of things for the upcoming school year to chair. THen each event comes up, someone raises there hand if they want to chair and we vote on it. We only had a few people at the meeting and some events still have no chairs.
I'm not usually a pushover at all, but I didnt want to step on toes my first year as pres. But this lady is just too much for me.UGH But I guess I should be happy that she is the only one and I get along very well with everyone else.
PS SHe knew what was expected of her, why she changed the dates I'm not sure of at all. Or why she did any of the other things who knows!!!!!
I guess in my procedure books I will have to include do not change dates, contracts, etc.