We budget fieldtrips, school supplies, lowincome eye clinic visits, book and beyond reading program plus a few other programs.
We have given teachers $100 grants for school supplies/ projects in the past but no plan was in place other than have receipts turned in by 30 May.
The last 3 weeks (4 weeks after our allocation mtg- that only the principal- no teachers attended) I and our board have been swamped with request for "I need by next week, or this month, or could the PTA fund this program that the school district used to.."
We are now coming up with rules, guidelines and grant proposals because, they school thinks because we have a large budget, we're a cash cow or $$$ tree. We usually fund most anything the school does or needs BUT the lack of courtesy, lackof looking for other resources also, and lack of notice (ie. $$$ for extra assembly tomorrow) IS making me
That seems to be the Good, Bad and Ugly all rolled into one (Maybe I'll make another movie. Cathchy title... Oh wait NAH)