3. Generate Articles of Organization (such as a Charter) for the group if you don't already have one. This document includes 1) name of the org and where it operates, 2) that it's purpose falls under 501c3, 3) that net earnings do not benefit individual(s) of the org, 4) that there is no political activism (wording is kind of specific), and 5) what happens to assets if the organization folds.
4. Complete IRS for 1023 and send to IRS with application fee.
Once the IRS accepts the application, there is a separate process to go through for your state.
I have presented a slideshow to the other PTOs in my town describing how we went about it and how long it took. There are a few things to add to it, but once it gets posted to our web site I'll send you the URL (and post it to a new message on the PTO Today board).
I am new to the PTL at our school and they have never become tax exempt and I am wondering how do we even start and where? If anyone could help me with this I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much! If you would like to e-mail me it's This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you.