We offer our teachers $90 total each, in the form of reimbursement. We don't want them to submit a receipt for every individual expense, so we give them a printed envelope with a cover letter explaining the program. When they have collected at least $90 in relevant receipts, they seal the envelope, sign it, and turn it in to the PTO treasurer who cuts a check. We file the envelope/receipts away and check the teacher off the list. We let them get their money any time during the school year and often have to remind some teachers several times.
Our regular reimbursements are done with a standard form, but for teachers, we let them just turn in the printed envelope that we provided them.
Hi all,
We are switching the way teachers get their funding from us this year. Typically, we just wrote out a $100 check at the beginning of the year..but then SOME of them wouldn't bother cashing it until after January and then we'd have no paper trail on what the money was being used for...so, we are going back to have teachers request the money, get a receipt and then issuing a check. Does anyone have a form we can use to do this? Please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thanks for all your help!