Sandra, one of the nicest things about being an independent parent group (i.e. PTO or whatever you call it at your school) is that you can make your own rules---and for that matter, design your own logo. The apple you found is great, but since we're all indepdent from one another, there's no one "official" PTO logo.
Lisa, as far as signing correspondance, I suppose standard business courtesy would apply. If you're writing a formal letter, you should sign it personally with your title (or the name/title of whichever PTO officer originated the letter). For example, our treasurer prepared bounced check letters and our corresponding secretary writes thank you notes. In any event, all PTO corrspondance, whether a formal letter or a flyer home in the backpacks, should include the name and phone number of the PTO contact person.
I used this on my first welcome letter. Glad to hear it was ok. Never even occured to me there would be a problem. Does anyone know the correct protocol for PTO stationary? Do I sign everthing sincerely, my name, pres or do I just say PTO?
This is all way to new for me. I wish there was a handbook on just PTO guidelines.
Thank god for the new PTO Magazine I just got today from this website! Awesome!!
Melissa Constantine
19 years 3 months ago#102212by Melissa Constantine
That logo (as well as a black & white) can be found at
Discovery School
under the logos & mascots section. We have made letterhead using the b&w version, and have used it on our website as well.
Does anyone know if it's ok to use the (apple) PTO logo on PTO flyers, teacher surveys, and stuff like that? I don't know if it's considered intellectual property & that's a no-no ... or ok on official PTO stuff. Thanks!