Here's the description of what we post on our Nominations Form. But, like Mum24Kids said, we'd have different chairs for fundraisers.
Volunteer Committee Chair – Coordinate volunteers for PTO events and school activities. Collect list of general volunteers at beginning of year and for special events. Assure that volunteer data is recorded and available to both the Board and teachers. Work with teachers, staff, and leaders of committees to assure volunteers are recruited for programs. On-going dialog with Grade Parents as to class and grade activities. (Effort: on-going, year round; time peaks with a few big events. Average: 3 hours per month; could range from 0 to 8 hours per month during major events.)
Are you looking for a list of job responsibilities for a volunteer coordinator, or some other positions? We have different people in charge of all the different fundraisers we do--gift wrap, bingo, and BoxTops/etc. They each have a different job description.
Does anyone have a list of responsiblities? I know what I want them to be responsible for, but I'm wondering if I'm leaving anything out. This is not an elected position, but a volunteer position.
I'm wondering if I should have same person responsible for all fundrasiing, or should it change with the different functions. Of course that would depend on the person's interest.