You're right, Rocky, you don't want to be put into the business of shopping for the teachers. Your PTO is providing the $, not the leg work (in my opinion). The teacher should only come to you with a check request (so she can mail the order form or pay a completed invoice), or with a reimbursement request (to pay her back). There may be extenuating circumstances when you take a more active role, but I certainly wouldn't start the year that way.
Just curious, how does your PTO plan for future purchases if you can be hit with a $ request right before a meeting? Do you have a limit per request, or a certain amount of slush money you use for this sort of request? Does is ever get sticky or political? I'm a big advocate of budgeting but I know other PTO's (like yours) operate differently. Just wondering how it works.
One more's extremely important to have two signers on EVERY PTO check. This way, no one person controls the $ and at least two officers are approving every disbursement. That said, it's best to have three authorized signers so you can always track down another signer. We use the Prez, Trez, and VP. If you are writing a check to yourself, for a reimbursement for example, the Prez and VP will sign that check, not you.
If you're new to the job and don't have good support from last year's treasurer, I encourage you to order the Treasurer's Toolkit from this website. It's $40 for tons of advice, instructions, samples, etc. Not biased or anything, but I know the manual well.
[ 08-17-2005, 06:23 PM: Message edited by: Critter ]