We send out a flyer before each event and then the parents return back the volunteer portion if they want want to volunteer and certain time they can work if applicable. The forms go to the chairperson to organize and get a hold of the volunteers. If we need more volunteers then the ones that replied. We usually go to our PTO membership list to see if anyone is available to help out.
In the begining of the year when we do our membership drive we have a spot to mark if they want to be contacted to help out. I know previous presidents didnt use it much, but I plan on it this year to try and get new parents involved in the PTO.
Cindy<br />
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<br>"People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege."
We send out a volunteer form that has the parents volunteering for specifice committees or duties, that way it is spread out among the parents because not everyone wants to volunteer for certain things. Then the committee head or person who is taking care of that certain duty is given the list of those who volunteered to help them and it is their responsibility to call them and set up their volunteering. melissa bielat
A common complaint often heard is that someone signs up to help but never gets called. In our attempt to remedy that situation, this year we plan alphabatize our list of volunteers and call people alphabetically. We know that this will tick off the people who like to volunteer for everything (and yet complain that it's always the same people all the time) but we're going to try it anyway. Has anyone else done anything similar or have a better idea about how to include everyone who wants to be include. Open to all comments/suggestions.