What time is the open house from? Is it possible to hold your meeting following the open house? That may get you more people into the meeting!
I woulld set up a table and then try to encourage folks to attend the meeting.
Our PTO does our schools open house. We welcome all parents grandparents teachers staff pto members. This year will get to introduce our new super. Which I am exicted because I get to do that. After we dismiss we let the parents/guard. know that they are encourage to attend their child's class room for sometimes their is extra credit involed. After they are done with meeting the teachers and talking come into the cafeteria and have cake and punch cookie. The PTO puts it all on.
Have any of you done this? I found out yesterday that the school schedualed an open house the same night as the first PTO meeting of the year and was surprised! UGH...anyway, do I even try to hold a meeting or do I encourage my Board to be there for introductions, have a table for volunteer info.... :confused: :confused:
New territory for our PTO as I mean we are actually being included! don't get me started!
I need ideas, direction, and reasurance this is a good thing! HA!