I had to answer myself on this question. I research the Accelerated Schools website and found the job description on the Parent Liaison position, and several other school webpages. The Parent Liaison is only there to help support parental involvement in PTO and does not have any involvement in the operating procedures or business of PTO. Also,to boot, she is a employee of the school district and not a member of the PTO board. So I decided to talk to the Principal and ask for her employee to back off from delegating any authority over PTO function, since it hinder our effectiveness as an organization. She agreed and said she would support what I and my team was doing to improve our image with our parents. just remember to stand your ground and remind all that you were elected to run your school PTO and support of your office is key to making a better tomorrow for all.
I am the newly elected President of our PTO. Last year we adopted the Accelerated Schools Programand hired a Parent Liaison. I know that her role is to bridge the gap between home and school, but I feel she had crossed the line here recently. Our Parent liaison call a meeting of our PTO officers along with myself. I found this to be kind of odd, but amblicaly agreed. At this meeting I was undermined about all the decisions we as a group made at a prior meeting before this one. We even invited the Parent Liaison to attend, but she declined. But, my officers soon turned on me and let her take over on all decisions with PTO affairs. Has anyone had a similiar experience or had experience working with ASP or parent liaisons? I am ready to resign my position even before the school year starts because I feel like a figurehead of this farce.