No real secrets just education and incentives. Education:
- We post on our website:
And on our PTO site:
-Meeting Flyers go home the friday before in folders and lunchboxes.
-PTO Board on Traffic duty on morning and afternoon of PTO meeting( A minimum of 2 Executive board members opening doors and greeting kids and reminding parents about the meeting.
-Electronic sign at entrance reminding everyone
-Put meeting on marquis in front of school
-Email every parent at school and let them know about the meeting.
- By Parent attending PTO meeting the children are allowed to wear Jeans + T-Shirts the next school day
- Teachers that attend the meeting can also wear jeans the next day
- Monthly challenge -Class with the highest % of parents at meeting get bowling, movie or dairy queen passes.
- We offer Free babysitting during meeting.(PTO pays to sit the kids.)
All these are Ideas from the Pto Today Magazine that comes in the mail every month or so. It is the reason why we have switched from PTA to PTO. I look forward to being more involved.
It also helps if your members really care and are not just going through the motions. Not everyone can do everything, but everyone can do something.
If I can help any of u ever...please drop a line.