Most Scout Troops are looking for sponsors (either Boy or Girl) because the AFLCIO, ACLU and the other suposed AMERICAN LiBERTIES groups (whom have seemed to forgot that its Freedom to Practice Religion and such NOT Freedom from Religion and such) have been filing frivolous lawsuit for mtg places, choosing of leaders, pledge, scout oath.
Its a hot topic here in California and the 9th Circuit Court (WesternUS).
They're looking for the best ways to just let them teach young boys and girls the best way to be (trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly,courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful and thrify, brave, clean and reverent)
I neither approve or disapprove of Parent groups sponsoring them, but I've seen worse things sponsored by Churches,Parent Groups,Teachers, Schools and Parents...
:cool: (Eagle Scout, Vigil Honor, US Ranger Ret.)