Our Vice President steps up to take on the Presidents position and that person is in charge of getting her/his officers nominated and voted on. If needed a form has been sent out asking for volunteers that are interested in taking on board position. A meeting is held and the new board is approved. We have never had more than one person interested in running for a single position. Just make sure they all understand what they will be responsible for during their term according to by-laws and procedures.
We send out a letter and nomination form. The form and letter basically say here are the positions available and a brief description of each position. People can either nominate themselves or others. When the forms come in, then another letter/form goes out to the nominees congratulating them for being nominated and asking them if they will accept the nomination. After that, then we have the elections.
This was my first year as PTO president and it's now time to find a new one for next year. Part of me wishes I could do it for another year but the husband would have a fit! It's not worth that grief! Anyway, I do not know how to address people about considering a position. I also want to recommend someone for Treasurer position but how do you know when a person is going to do their job honestly? Am I putting too much thought into the whole thing? Help!