Our Board consists of 4 elected officers, the principal, one staff person appointed by the faculty and 3 committee chairs. (only the elected officers have acess to certain info such as the finances, etc.)
Thank you for your answers. We did have two moms running for president, also, but one backed out at the last minute. Our bylaws are not very concise, and we need to work on those. They currently do not specify who can run, other than that the person has to be a parent, which the nurse is. A major concern among parents is conflict of interest and concern about the time she will have available during the day to work on PTO things vs. working at her nurse job.
Our bylaws offer up to 6 teacher rep positions or that a staff member can serve in one of the 4 elected positions only if they are a parent and only if they are acting as a parent and not as a staff member to try to make the Parent or Teacher positions equal in power.
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
We usually have a teacher as a treasurer. We have a P T O. Nurse as pres strikes me as odd. Were there no willing parents wanting to step up to the plate?
Has anyone had or heard of a faculty member serving on the PTO board? Our school nurse was recently voted in as President for next year. She has never had any involvement with the PTO.