But do we allow the membership to pick and choose the ones they want to approve or do we only put out exactly $25,000 worth of options and then say "accept or reject" them? Someone suggested that to me.
Personally I would put all the options on the table. I would want to discuss all the possible items and try to get a pulse on which items people feel are of the most necessity.
Our spring fundraiser, a large carnival/auction/dinner/ always raises a fairly large sum of money. Our group would like to turn around and pour that money back into the school as soon as we can. It has been suggested to me that we should present sort of a "menu" of options to our membership to vote on i.e.: let's say we have $25,000 to spend and we present our membershipe $50,000 worth of spending options and they can pick. Is this an unusual practice? Or should we just come up with $25,000 worth and vote to approve or not approve? Just wanted some feeback on this idea? And,no, bylaws don't mention anything about this.