Unfortunately NSF checks are daily business at our school. What we started doing was printing on all fundraiser forms that NSF checks would be charged an additional $25.00, and when checks come in we call their banks to verify that the money is in there when we deposit. Also, ALL checks written for $25.01 or more....we will make 2 phone calls and if it is not resolved it gets sent to our administration bldg., and that family (in all schools) is banned from participation in fundraisers until it is taken care of. In extreme circumstances I will let them buy if it is a cash only sale.
We had this happen...if you go to her bank and she has sufficient funds in her account, HER bank can cut you a cashiers check out of her account without her being involved. I had to go to my bank and have them give the other bank a signature verification for the original check (showing that I'm a signer on the account). I made a sticky situation very easy.
Hey Shelley, how does your school handle this sort of matter? Something tells me you may not be the only one she owes money to!
Earlier in the year we had a parent that bounced a check with us and in speaking with the school learned they had three more of her checks for lunches that were NSF. With their help, we're lucky. It was great to work with the school and to be able to use their resorces.
I like the payment plan, too. Unfortunatly this hole she is in is getting deeper by the moment.
It's pretty clear that she's avoiding you to pay the check. If Illinois' check fraud program is like Nevada's, they won't prosecute up front, they will allow her to make some sort of payment arrangements if this is just a case of not having the money. Chances are it won't get that far. It usually doesn't.
The bigger thing that comes from this is the class. It will be very helpful to her and next time, she won't write a check without the funds being there.
Go the DA route.