It has been my experience that when the burn out gets to be too much, your mind and body will tell you. I'm just starting to get involved with our PTO, but with other volunteer duties, I've found that when the excitment is gone, you dread any meetings, involvement, procrastination (sp?), and are just plain not interested in the project, it's time to take a step back and catch your breath.
I'm sure that with your experience you can still "help", but not be directly involved.
I was just reading JHB's post on cycle of PTO life and it's funny how true it is. I've been involved heavily in the PTO for 3 years, this is my 2nd term as president and I think it might be time to move on and let someone else take over pres.
I've accomplished a lot that I thought we should do, set stuff in place for future things and to be honest, am feeling overwhelmed (I'd agree with the 20plus hours a week) as I'm also involved in my sons sports and work full time.
I think it would be better to have someone that has the excitement I had a couple years ago, someone that has fresh new ideas and perspectives (and probably a stay at home mom so they have more time too).
I still want to be involved, and know I'd do well with another term, but I don't want to get burned out and turned off by it all either.
How do you know when to step down and run for something else, or just volunteer?