We would want to make the assistant be on the board and have the right to vote. We want to make that person feel needed, and they would be. We are currently in the process of writting out our first ever bylaws. We really do not have any desire to the the co-share on any position. We are also trying to create more chair's for our events so that burden does fall all on our board. No one really wanted to take on the role of president with out a co-share. Our vice president has a very strong role allready and does all she can. Thanks for your input. Lynn
I don't know if it would work. First of all it's not a written board position so the "assistant" wouldn't have any board voting rights. Second what about one of these willing people taking on the role of President and having two co-vice presidents. Now those are positions that are on most boards. I think that if the one willing to take on the title and position, knowing he or she has a good back up support of the rest of the board, it should be fine. But I don't know about the assistant part. The vice presidents are supposed to offer that assistance to the president. Good luck.
We would like to not have to deal with a Co-President. Our president is stepping down and has had a few people say they wouldn't mind being a co-president. We came up with an idea that we thought might work. Having a president assistant. The role would basically be secretary just for the president. To help with the extras. We did not want to run into problems that can sometimes happen when their are too many chiefs. Do you thing it would work? Will it help us get ourselves a President, for some who might think it's too much to take on. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks, Lynn