JHB-I think I'm with you on this..we've never had a "program" I was just curious if it was a common practice. We do have monthly general meetings and sometimes I have trouble creating enough stuff for the agenda!
thanks for the feedback!
Our elementary PTO has monthly business meetings (Board meetings) that are open to anyone, but they long ago gave up the idea of organizing a big meeting with a program each month.
At first I couldn't understand it, but over time I came to realize we should rate our parent involvement by the success of our programs and volunteer's willingness to help, not by how many seats we fill at a meeting.
Every year or so a new crop of officers tries it again. I think the last time, we had more door prizes than people.
Note - I'm very cynical about the whole idea, but I don't knock anyone's efforts. Maybe they'll hit on an idea that works. My concern is when they invite a speaker and there's only 10 or 15 people in the room. I just hate to waste someone's time like that. I do tend to speak up and urge caution in those situations.
In our middle school, we have new, enthusiastic
co-presidents who have decided to include a program each month. They are utilizing school clubs and groups. This month was cheerleaders. I think we have a school dance group, part of the band, the drama group, maybe a choir, etc. - something different planned for each meeting.
We usually only have 8-12 people at the meetings. At the last one, we had 19 (and 20 cheerleaders, which means we didn't even draw all THEIR parents).
Personally - I'd rather just conduct the business and be done with it. But I'm a big believer in supporting the group's decisions. This is what they want to try, so I'll do my best to help it work.
we generally never use to have speakers but we seem to be dealing with alot of changes at our school. Last June we had the asst superintendent because we were helping rewrite the district policy on parent involvement and compact. We have also had our school psych. come in and speak about the new Positive Behavior program, next month the ass't superintendent is coming to talk about our new interim principal and the transition. So if we have speakers they seem to be a very good reason why. Up until last June we had not had a speaker in over a year and a half. We tend to get lower participatin. Our group has gotten stronger and stronger that we are now looking at school issues and not just family fun nights. It is amazing the discussions that now take place...
"When you stop learning you stop growing."
We have our meetings at noon (provide a light lunch) so we couldn't really have a program to follow it. I enjoy hearing how other folks do it.
I know that a lot of the groups have speakers or hold meetings prior to childrens programs. I use vendors who want our business. For example: Club's Choice would like us to run their pizza and cheesecake brochure. What better way to taste the product than at a PTO meeting? Free food will bring 'em in! Ethically, I only do this to vendors I'm actually considering using in the near future.