We charge $2.50 for dues. If you pay your dues you are a voting member--if no dues then no vote. This is done so someone running for office or wanting something voted on cannot bring a crowd of people to vote there way and then those people never show up again to a meeting. We also do this just incase a problem or something ever arises and we need a quick vote done on something--we have a list of paid members who can vote and we can call them. In our little school the dues never add up to much usually 30-40 dollars--so its not collected to make a huge profit on.
Our group offers membership "levels:" Standard ($5); Bronze ($10); Silver ($25) and Gold ($50)and we include gifts with each membership level--the higher the level, the more gifts. The gifts consist of items like t-shirts, coffee mugs--things of that nature.
We actually do get a good amount of the higher levels, especially the Bronze & Silver memberships. Our Gold members are up from last year as well. Needless to say, we're happy with the system!
At my own school, our PTA charges $6 per family (two voting adults), our old PTA charged $5 per person and $15 per family (two voting adults) however, they are PTAs. The dues aren't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, it's just to belong but I like the idea that if you are a PTO to not charge any dues and that everyone is already a member. I think that if you aren't a PTA, then it's a good way to go. 99% of funds, even as a PTA, come from fundraising anyway.
[ 11-17-2004, 02:38 AM: Message edited by: Michelle B ]
Our PTO by laws state that if you do no go to 3 consecutive meetings you cannot vote on anything, and we do not charge dues, it's hard enough to get people there when it is free.
hi! You will find that everyone does it differently. We charge $5 per family for membership and membership gives you the right to vote.
Years ago before I got there, there were 2 women running for the presidency. On the night of the election swarms of people who had never been seen or heard from before came out of the woodwork to vote one woman into power. Then of course they dissapeared never to be heard or seen from again.
Our membership and fee was put into place to stop this from happening ever again. You either pay your dues and become a member to get the right to vote or you have no vote.