The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
Give the parents the schedule of the PTO events, regular meetings( including dates and times) , and even the PTOs budget, if available.Make sure to present each member to the parents, name and position, give a list of PTO members to the parents with phone #'s and/or e-mails.Make a suggestion box and let the parents know where it is. You can also use the meeting to have parents sign up for homeroom parents, PTO helpers, volunteers. If you have these available, you can also sell school logo stickers, pens, ect ...profits to be used towards the PTO. You can also use the time to discuss any rules of the school and PTO. Have a sign-up sheet per classroom and the classroom that has the most parents present wins a classroom party( it works!, maybe a pizza or ice-cream party, the parents will come when there is an incentive). Hope this helps!.
Well, tomorrow is my first meeting as president of the PTO. I am not real sure where to even start tomorrow night. I was at the last meeting but I wasn't given the president job until the meeting was almost over, so I didn't take notes. I did get the minutes from our new secretary. I made an agenda for the night. I don't think our pto has an committees. How do I start them and what are some that you have at your school? Any help or tips will be greatly appreciated!!
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