Well, we had our meeting to which we invited the super today. At first it was rather unnerving, because we feel the super is "on our side" and he started by giving a very passionate lecture about us working in harmony with everyone, we needed to act like adults and that if we couldn't do that we would be ordered to cease and desist our activities. I could tell my VP was ready to have a stroke, since we're killing ourselves trying to be cooperative, and the "trouble" we cause is NOT trouble--it's those lovely detractors we all seem to have coming at us and complaining etc. I had to keep giving her looks to please NOT argue that
we aren't the problem here, but the victims of those wanting to tear us down. After that the super listened in for a while told us he was sure we could solve this and left.
The principal and Vice started in with comments made by a member (who happened to be at this meeting) about her dissatisfaction with the morale of the school, teacher participation etcetera. We tried to steer the meeting away from all that by stating that while they may disagree, this is her opinion, and NOT what the meeting was supposed to be about. After some side trips into other issues that are rankling parents in the lower grades, we finally got around to the principal committing to--yet AGAIN--what the rules and regulations are that we need to follow in order to be seen as compliant. Mind you--this was almost completely opposite from the rules that she gave us in May, that we followed up on in August and again in September. When we brought out notes from these meetings, she said, "well--that was in
MAY"--apparently her rules only have a shelf-life of several weeks.
We stated our points (which thank God I had printed out) and the exact areas we need help with if we're to achieve our goal as painlessly as possible. We went over each point--in some cases we were assured we'd get this help (mind you we got the same promises in May, and NONE of them were forthcoming), and in some cases we were given an absolute "no," like with us wanting her to send people with questions about things like our finances to us so that we could properly address the concerns rather than her being burdened with innuendo and accusations (our nice way of saying, "don't encourage tattlers and trouble-makers by giving their foundless bitchings any validity"). We also got denials that other groups are not held to different standards, only to later her hear her contradicting herself, or abjectly refusing to acknowledge that parent concerns were valid--simply because she felt they were wrong.
To make ABSOLUTELY sure we're all on the same page, we're going to be typing up "minutes" of the meeting, sending them her to approve, then keeping them as a bible. We're also fowarding copies to our super and BOE members so that they see THESE are the rules we have been told to follow, and unless we recieve instruction otherwise this is what we're going by.
On a smaller scale, to me the meeting was successful in that we came out with her assurances we will get what we need to operate productively. On a much larger scale, the more I reflect on the meeting and the things she said and her responses to our feelings and opinions I am, as a parent, alarmed by her behavior. On the surface she sems affable and reasonable. However it became obvious very quickly that she seems to hold grudges, opinions differing from her own will not even be reflected upon, she is loyal to her staff to a fault--she refuses to acknowledge that any of them could possibly have issues or faults, she claims that all groups ARE held to the same standards, then would immediately make a statement that proved they are not. I came out feeling that we received a lot of mixed messages, which I can deal with because we're going to have the approved "rules" to go by, but I wonder how she will react at the first comlaint from a teacher or "concerned parent."
Don't get me wrong --this isn't about us not getting what we want and now focusing on ruining this woman's good name. But I have real issues with her OBVIOUSLY not reading the material we give her, nor writing it down. We were in this meeting WELL over 2 1/2 hours, and I swear the Vice didn't write ONE, not ONE thing down, and in fact didn't even come in with a pad or pencil!
Oh well, I keep telling myself, "this too shall pass." But I'll tell you, it can't pass fast enough for me!