We had a problem where the past PTO execs would make everyone feel unwelcome and wouldn't let them help in anyway. When I came in, I asked teachers to give me names of parents they thought might be interested and I sent personal notes to them asking them to join and even phoned a few. It doubled our parent turnout in 3 months and they have all come back!
The irony of commitment is that it’s deeply liberating-in work, in play, in love. The act frees you from the tyranny of your internal critic, from the fear that likes to dress itself up and parade around as rational hesitation. To commit is to remove your head as the barrier to your life. --Anne Morris
Thank you Bruj for the vote of confidence. I tried to look up the article, but couldn't get in. I do plan on running for President myself, and if not, getting someone else in there for sure. I'll do my best. Thanks again.
Our bylaws do state that you may serve longer than 2 yrs if no one else can be found for the position.
I think you should run!! This should get her to step back and thus eliminate the click.
There is also a good article in the archives about PTA Clicks (cliques).
In most case, Michelle's opinion on this one is correct -- most bylaws I've seen allow nominations from the floor. Not allowing nominations from the floor is typically a recipe for insiders retaining power.
One more thing for future reference-
What do your bylaws say about nominations made from the floor? You don't have to be a nominee of the nominations committee and there should be something that says that additional nominations can be made from the floor.
I've seen them state, at the meeting or 30 days before, but they can't close out the nominations.