So sorry that the links are not coming up. I'm not really sure what I did wrong, since I'm not too computer literate. Just type in using google what you're looking for.
We added a new position to our board this year-grant/donation coordinator. This person will do nothing but research and apply for grants and matching donations. We're hoping that this will allow us to cut back on fundraisers.
The titles are not coming up. I will get this info. I want to try to have a grant search committee. I feel that is something that working parents that often feel left out can help with. Thanks for posting.
I'm really not sure where to post this, but here it goes. Also this list in not all inclusive, there is so much more out there, you just have to search to find what you're eligble for.
To find more informtion just type in:
Grants for education
and you'll get plenty of hits.