Our spring fairs are buy one get one free. I am quite positive that the kids and parents are not concerned so much with the quality of the paper(I have never seen a book with bad paper) but more about buying affordable books.
I have to agree with this.
We do 2 Book Fairs (Scholastic) a year. One in the fall, and a BOGO in the spring. Because we don't run it as a *fundraiser*, we take the vouchers and use them to buy supplies for our classrooms, the school, and of course the library.
We also use the credits to give each child a "welcome back" book in the fall, a book at Christmas, and a book at the end of the year. Books aren't cheap, and we couldn't give each child 3 nice books/year without those credits.
Any company is going to have good & bad aspects. If the negatives outweigh the positives, then by all means find another avenue!
I guess it really does boil down to WHY you want to have a book fair. We do it to get books into the hands of our kids, not to make money.