I've got to say, I've only ever had one problem with Scholastic. We used to use Troll book fairs, and they merged I think 3 yrs ago? Anyway, we had already set up with troll for our book fair, a BOGO with option of free books if sales hit a certain mark, and a month before the date we received a letter that they had merged and the fair option that we had contracted for was no longer an option. Let me tell you, the fur flew. But now it's OK. I also do not put out the "stuff", and we run ours in march during conferences, so if the kids shop during the day but want more, or don't have $$, after getting a good report at conferences the parent will come in a buy books. Our sales have grown 50-75% since we started this. Last yr we had a parent who went to conferences and was told that her daughter was reading above grade level and should be encouraged....Mom and dad seperately spent $50 each on new books that were more difficult!
I've NEVER met our sales rep...talk to her on the phone constantly, but she has not once shown up at our school. I thought that was normal for Scholastic! And we do a BOGO with our ice cream social in the spring, just one night.
I just finished our Book Fair, we only have 325 students and sold $4093 before tax, we do it to put more books in the hand of out students, and in our libarary, we will take $125.00 in cash and get $2000 in books I think that is great.
We're looking at options for our book fair this year, and I just have to say after reading this thread that I'm surprised there's not more enthusiasm for the Usborne book fairs. Several large schools in our area used them last year and shared outstanding results with me. $6,000 & $7,000 book fairs for schools that did only $5000 with Scholastic. The reps do nearly ALL the work, and the school can take LIBRARY bindings with the free book allowance! Maybe the reason I don't see more about Usborne on this thread is that the schools that have made the switch are so happy they no longer need this topic?
Kim the Over-Time-Parent of PTO
19 years 4 months ago#90565by Kim the Over-Time-Parent of PTO
We have used Scholastic forever too.with problem's. Last year we went to a one day marathon book fair day-14 hours straight with almost the same profits as staying open a full week. We chose a date when parents would be at school for a big night program like musical or open house. It was also much easier to staff for one day instead of an entire week.
The school, not PTO, owns our bookfair although PTO supplies the volunteers. We've always collected sales tax. It's not a huge deal. Just multiply by the specified percentage. A few years ago we got a cash register donated specifically for bookfair. It really makes it much easier, fewer errors, and provides everyone with an instant receipt.