I am also new to this and need sample donation letters. I am in a chool that has just switched to K-5 and we want to expand our library for the new age groups.
Thank you,
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Here's a sample of what I sent. We are holding a live auction to raise funds for a climbing wall in the gym.
Dear whoever,
I am writing on behalf of the students, staff, and Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) of -schoolnamehere-. We are planning to hold an auction this coming fall.
We are asking for donation to auction at our event. Your contributions can be in the form of actual merchandise or gift certificates for products or services. Monetary donations are also welcome. We have enclosed a donation form for your convenience. All donations need to be received by -datehere- to be included in this year's event. We are a non-profit organization and your donations will be tax exempt. Upon receipt of your donation, you will receive a thank you note with our tax ID number that will serve as your receipt for tax purposes.
In return for your generosity, we will advertise and promote your business throughout the eventwe will advertise and promote your buisness throughout the event. If you have any questions, or need any additional information please email me at the address below. On behalf of our students, staff, parents and PTO of -school-, I thank you for taking the time to consider our request.
PTO Fundraising Chair
THen I include this form for them to send back with the donations:
Company Name
Contact Name
Phone NUmber
We would like to donate the following item(s):
Retail Value:
Restrictions and/or Expiration Date:
THen when I get a donation I send a thank you note with our tax id number.
All should be on your school letterhead and include the company's name and address on the letter
My name is and I am writing to you on behalf of the Dominion Trail Elementary School PTA. Our school has 800 students and the PTA provides money for field trips, cultural arts assemblies, class room supplies and other educational materials to enhance our children’s education. We hold several events throughout the year including a dance, bingo, a holiday shop, and other fun family events to raise funds for these activities and supplies.
I would like the opportunity to introduce your business to my colleagues, their family and friends. Would you be willing to donate to our school this year? Our organization is a non profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, so your donation is fully tax-deductible. Our U.S. Tax ID number is . Your business will also be mentioned in our monthly newsletter.
If you are able to donate, please send the donation and the estimated retail value to the following address:
school address and your name here
If you have any questions, please call me at (your phone number). Thank you for your consideration.
I am a new prez this year and need all the help I can get. I would love the read your donation letters as well. Please email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
can you please send me copies of your donation letters. i'm a new president and this would help. thanks. my email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.