We have Albertsons supermarkets here in Arizona that has a bugdet to help schools pull off fundraisers. We receive meat usually half price and buns and such at a reduced price. In the past we've had 'shredded b.b.q. beef on a bun, which many people had in crock pots cooking all day. We also approached a local pretzel and chip factory and receive free products. A local bottler of soda would do the same. Safeway will always let you go over on limits during sales. Just be bold and remember you will get nothing if you ask for nothing!
Please help! I've been given the assignment of planning the food to be sold (cheap enought so that everyone can afford) at our annual Fun Night. Every voiced that they were tired of hot dogs and walking tacos, but had no ideas for a change. I'm hoping that you can share your ideas and what worked for you! Thanks for taking the time to help me.