We actually got our teacher appreciation gifts free this year. Our fundraising co. offered Welcome Back gifts for the teachers as part of their incentives, and we requested an apple picture frame from their catalog instead; it worked out for both of us-the frames value was slightly less than the gifts offered and we didn't have to shop around. They even held the frames for us until Feb. (just now negotiating exactly when they'll send them) so we didn't have to store them.
This co. has been such a pleasure to work with, especially since the previous year's co. was a fiasco; in fact, just last night another member of the board complimented me on finding them and said she hopes we use them next year too.
For American Education Week we had a theme built around a color each day.
For example, one day the students were asked to all wear blue because "without great teachers like our's, we would be blue." We had little gifts each day, mostly little trinket type stuff and such, but tied into the daily theme -- I'm blanking on an actual example, but perhaps a purse pack of tissues on blue day, because we would cry with sadness if we lost these great teachers [img]smile.gif[/img]
We kicked off the week with breakfast for the teachers -- actually, I think it was just bagels, muffins and juice in the lounge. And on Friday we brought in a lunch for them.