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How do you cook hot dogs in a crockpot?

17 years 3 weeks ago #140545 by satellis
Replied by satellis on topic RE: How do you cook hot dogs in a crockpot?
I did this for my daughter's birthday party. I boiled some water on the stove, and added it to the hot dogs in the crockpot. When we got to the gynastics center I just needed to plug it in on low. An hour later kids were eating dogs.....I was dumbfounded...not all kids like ketchup on their hotdogs!
17 years 3 weeks ago #140529 by satellis
Replied by satellis on topic RE: How do you cook hot dogs in a crockpot?
We did this for my daughter's dance recital, but used a large roaster. Just put a small amount of water in the bottom, fill it with hot dogs, and turn it on high to start. I would start it about an hour before your event. You can always turn it down to low or warm if needed. And, you can add more water or hot dogs as you go. You will be able to tell which ones are cooked and which are not. I hope that helps. Good Luck!
17 years 3 weeks ago #140522 by satellis
How do you cook hot dogs in a crockpot? was created by satellis
I feel a bit stupid even asking this...But how do you cook a large quantity of hot dogs in a crockpot? I can't seem to find any specifics.

What is the most you can cook at one time?
Do you add any water?
Do you cook them on low or high?
How long does it take for a large quantity of hot dogs to heat through in a crockpot?

We are having an event this Friday night and the plans fell through with the group that was planning on cooking the hot dogs. So any information you can give me, and soon, would be greatly appreciated!
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