I am on the PTA at our school as well. Spell-a-Thon, what a great idea. Always looking for new ways to raise funds. Having a Winter Bazaar and live auction in Nov but would love to try the Spell-a-Thon in the spring. Could you send a copy of the pledge sheet?
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Hello, I am the PTO President for our school and I was wondering if you could email me a copy of the pledge sheet for the spell-a-thon. That sounds like a cool idea.
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Yes we got the name of the school and the mascot (an eagle) in the colors (black and white). They were $1.21 a piece and the miminum order was 240... however we have AR prizes and such that the extra bottles can be used for... These were for the bigger bottles (22oz) and the screw on top with a pull up top.
We went with a local company as it was a better deal with regards to the set up fee and such...