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School library

17 years 3 months ago #138629 by JHB
Replied by JHB on topic RE: School library
A friend of mine recently completed her Masters from The School of Library and Information Sciences at the University of North Texas . Her goal was to work as a school librarian.

During the two year program, she was constantly working on projects for classes and even had to find an internship for one class. So there were times I recall her looking for a situation where she could volunteer with a library.

Perhaps you could seek help from this school or another with such a program.

In my friend's case, the program was a distance learning program with the participants living all over the country. Maybe there is a participant near you and/or these folks are accustomed to working virtually. So even if you are far from Texas, perhaps you could work a win-win relationship for your school and one of the masters candidates to use your school in a project and offer advice.

If you want to pursue this, I'd look at the faculty list and email some of them directly.
17 years 3 months ago #138627 by naabs5
Replied by naabs5 on topic RE: School library
Can u share how you guys went about this, and where did you buy the technology, software, parent barcodes, etc.
17 years 4 months ago #138524 by beignets
Replied by beignets on topic RE: School library
parents have run the library 100% at every school ive been to. all volunteer staff.

its a ptoa thing. state cut funds for librarians, books too. we parents pay for all new books (is this school??). so a library CAN be run without a paid for librarian.

we have the latest technology, PCs paid for by ptoa money, and software paid for and kept up by the district.

i would ask your head of school for input, see what if any resources they can provide, and then you konw where you stand in terms of what you need to bring to get it up to speed. we had parents barcode everything and get it up and running and modern. its a lot of work, but if parents want it, they have to pitch in.
17 years 4 months ago #138509 by OneandOnly
Replied by OneandOnly on topic RE: School library
You need a librarian to set up a library correctly. All books should be catagorized fiction and non-fiction to say the least. A separate research section would also be created.
In elementary and middle schools, students should be learning about the dewey decimal system and how to find a book in the library using that system. Our librarian starts students out young ages to teach them this and she makes up scavenger hunts using book titles, number, authors names, etc. to find the books and obtain the answer as to where it was located or something about the book. The kids love it, but they learn how to find everything.

If you need to increase the number of books, have a "gently used" book drive to benefit your school library. Kids bring in books from home that they've outgrown. Page through them to make sure they are in good condition and appropriate for use and then add them to your school.

You may be able to find a retired teacher or librarian willing to help you set this up and then you can run it going forward.

Doing it for my one and only ~~ my son!
17 years 4 months ago #138496 by naabs5
Replied by naabs5 on topic RE: School library
thank you, thank you, thank much ...this is all wonderful info, i'm getting to work now!
17 years 4 months ago #138492 by pzettler
Replied by pzettler on topic RE: School library
I don't have a lot of first hand experience in libraries, but I've seen other industry specific solutions. What you might want to do is call the librarians and for those large enough to have an IT person, talk to them.

Also, I'd suggest some research via the internet. Here's some keywords that seem to produce decent results.

library bar code labels (print yourself or preprinted)

library barcode readers

library bar code software

library automation

Is this closer in line with what you are looking for?
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