Hey Menlo, I'm the coordinator for our school's Cash for Trash also. I wonder how many of us on this board pull double, triple or more duty. :confused:
Our school changed addresses and we were having a problem receiving our checks. Our coordinator was able to call them to straighten out the problem and they sent us new checks. All contact information should be on line as well as in any packet that your coordinator received from them.
As far as not receiving the checks, I would ask Customer Service WHO the check is being sent to. Ours comes to the PTO, other schools have their checks sent to the Principal. Since you are receiving the postcards stating what you have earned, at least you know your BTs are being received and accounted for. There may be a paper trail to whoever (if anyone) is cashing the checks!! Hope this helps!
On the
BoxTops4Education.com - Earn Cash For Your School!
website click on "Coordinator Login" in the top right corner. You will need your school's 6-digit Box Tops ID number. Once you are logged in, click on "Coordinator Community" about a third of the way down the screen and then "Coordinator Forum" on the left, under the picture. From there you can access the forum which is divided into categories such as "Clip Questions", "Book Club" and "Bonus Opportunities".