SORRY YOU ARE HAVING PROBLEMS-its a great program-chances are your school is the beneficary of the checks, NOT your PTA/PTO.Your coordinator should have access to the BT forum at the offical website, its the place she downloads submission forms from...ALL the contact info is there including a phone number-I've called them before and they are great and very helpful.Are you sure the BT's were submitted? We had a local school who has just realized their coordinator "lost" all their submissions for the last two years. You can go to
and find the number and call them yourself-they can look up your account and tell you when they received the submissions and when the checks were sent and to whom they were paid.
Debbieomi;136108 wrote: Hey Menlo, I'm the coordinator for our school's Cash for Trash also. I wonder how many of us on this board pull double, triple or more duty. :confused:
There have been a few posts here about coordinators that didn't send in the box tops and let them expire - cheating the school out of funds. Hopefully, that isn't the case with your school.
Doing it for my one and only ~~ my son!
17 years 5 months ago#136115by caSH FOR CASH QUEEN
I've also been a BoxTops coordinator for several years, and GM has always been helpful when there is a problem with a check, especially if you've gotten a receipt when you mail your BoxTops to them and you have copies of your submission sheets.
The only time I've received a postcard and no check was during a brief period when the check was being sent to the school instead of the PTA; I took the postcard to the book-keeper to verify she had received the funds.
Many thanks to all of you who responded with information. I don't know why our coordinator didn't have the contact information, but I have passed it on to her and now we should get it all resolved!
You all are wonderful!!