Hi can someone send me the info about the clothing drive (fundraiser) please.. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank u
These companies are simply export companies that sell used clothes overseas, killing local textile industries and keeping people impoverished. Angel Bins has found a way to make more money by pitching to people who mistakenly think they are “helping” the world when in fact, they are doing the opposite.
Not an ethical choice. Google exporting used clothing to Africa.
They should not be promoted as charitable fundraisers.
Clothing Drive Fundraiser is another vendor. They pay at the highest rates in the county and cover NY/NJ/CT and PA. They can be reached @ 888.523.5570. Google them.
I have worked with both (used to live in Milwaukee, now relocated to Chicago). They're family owned and small, so they are very helpful for your organization!