Just in case you can't find a sponsor or raise the money, our 5th graders have a picnic to celebrate their "graduation" from our school. Parents organize a BBQ, we have a scavenger hunt, volleyball games, kickball games and relay races. Then one of the area ice cream stores comes with their old fashioned truck and serves ice cream to the students. A group picture is taken of the entire class and they usually are full, happy & exhausted by the end of the day. Cost is low since our bus is paid for by the district & ice cream is usually donated. Only cost is the food for the BBQ! Burgers, Hotdogs, salads, drinks. Some of that you can get from parent donations too!
Good luck funding your amusement park trip, but don't have the kids miss out due to the last minute notice by the board. Try and do something special.
Making a positive difference one project at a time <img src=images/smilies/smile.gif>
I just found out this afternoon that the Kiwanis club will donate $750, if we can raise the rest. That's a big help, so keep them in mind if you have them in your area. I will follow up with the assistant principal to see whether company sponsorships have been looked into.
The principal is talking about the possibility of bringing in some inflatables or other amusements if the amusement park doesn't pan out.
If they do cancel the trip I would hope that they would put the bus money they said they could fund towards another activity for these kids. It's not their fault and they deserve a celebration of some kind. It shouldn't hurt to ask them about that.
Just mho... that's the least they can do since they waited until the last minute to find out and let you know what was going on.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it" - Ferris Bueller
Thanks you guys for the suggestions. The principal swears she was given that information the same day she told us, which was the week before Spring Break (last week). Our assistant principal says she is working on a sponsor, but I think they are probably just going to cancel the trip. I hope this will be a lesson to next year's 5th grade parents and faculty so that they can plan to raise the funds themselves instead of trying to make it a school funded field trip. I'll take all of your suggestions to our next meeting.
How about a yard stick drive. I read this on another thread where you have everyone bring in quarters and tape them to yard sticks to raise money. Just a thought.