10 days is tough - car wash, bake sale, family restaurant night? The amusement park is a long shot since they tend to get solicited a LOT and I'm sure your tickets are discounted as is. We actually also just cancelled an amusement park trip due to cost as well - $30/child, then chapperone costs tacked on tends to add up.
Shame on the principal.
wow...last minute, a car wash, maybe a pledge drive school wide, maybe local business would sponsor some, and go right to the source to see if they can help at all. Why though did your principal wait so long to say anything.
"When you stop learning you stop growing."
Try going straight to the amusement park and see if they can help in any way. Throw together a car wash (if the weather allows it). Stinks that they waited until the last minute to tell you this. Good luck.
Our 5th grade class takes an annual trip to an amusement park for Elementary Education Day, usually at the school's expense, as a gift to our "graduates." Unfortunately, our principal just advised the Promotion Committee that she will not be able to pay for the trip, except for the buses, this year. The trip will cost about $3000 and we have just about 10 days to try to come up with as much of the money as we can. Unfortunately, our parents are not in a position to pay the $30 per student for tickets, which would be in addition to the $20 "senior fees" for class shirts, engraved medallions, and last day of school party. Have any of you had any success with getting sponsorship of field trips at your school, and how did you do it?