Used books are a great idea for a one time fundraiser! To continue to raise funds for your schools all year long you might want to add to your flier this web site
. Your participants can continue to raise funds for your school after your fundraiser is over by downloading eBooks, and even games. This fundraiser donates up to 30% of the purchase price to your school and allows additional donations at checkout. All schools are listed on the site so there are no contracts and no sign up fees. Check it out.
Hey, Thanks for the support! A little time has passed and I've regained perspective....
We are a new PTO board that took over after a very long reign of a very differnet kind of board. I will not bad mouth them but I will say that they certainly had their way of doing things.....
So getting parents back to being involved with our school will be alittle bit of a challange but we'll get it done.
Thanks so much for your support and ideas I really appreciate it!
It definitely is not free money! I'm sure that there was a group of you that worked really hard collecting and organizing the event not to mention how heavy it was to "schlep" the books around! It bugs me that there is always that small group of parents who really try and then the others just don't pay any attention... There has to be something done to "snap" those other parents into action and appreciation... I don't think that it comes from a mean or bad place it is just that people are involved in their everyday life and don't get it... So the question is how to we make them get it?
That is why I think that the fundraisers that involve the kids doing something and getting prizes works so much better. The family might not care enough but if their kid does then they are forced into action. I mentioned a raffle that we did at our school which was a huge success because the kids were going to win something... Also, there is the fun run that is mentioned today on this board that was successful... personally, I don't like the catalogues but the reason they work is because of the kid prizes that are attached...
so maybe the answer is to always get the kids hyped up about the fundraiser and then you are pretty much on the road to success...