friend and interested citizen, I hear what you are saying but that's not the way our group is looking at it. If the dues go up another dollar (and our state dues stay the same), it will cost us $1300 next year to be part of the PTA. That's a lot and I'm not sure we get enough out of it to make it worthwhile.
I can't imagine the fuss about the P.T.A. dues increase. As a previous messge stated, most teacher/administrator dues for their respective organizations are several hundred dollars with little connection to the happening of the group. in P.T.A. anyone can afford the dues at 3-4 dollars. What a worthwhile way to sign on to support for children in our schools than to say to a group of volunteers i support your efforts and wish I could do more.
I would be very interested in hearing what you think PTA needs to change. I agree that this large, national organization is a slow machine to change. What needs to happen? What direction does it need to go?
I have such a hard time understanding the problems with dues increase. I am forced to pay $354.00 a year in union dues for a part time job that I love. My husband pays $75.00 yearly for his professional organization. I see very little value in my dues and my husband gets a lousy magazine subscription for his.
Yes, I noticed the 3 million for image inhancement. The national PTA is in an unfortunate situation, with membership declining almost on a daily basis, judging from comments in this forum, they will need to continue to raise dues in order to survive. Image inhancement will not help until they change the way they do business. The PTA has made many accomplisments, but I get the distinct feeling that a note on their door should read "the last one to leave, please turn out the lights"
WoW I am glad that we are not PTA also. I am currently working on by-laws and I am having a hard time with the membership due section. I just feel that I will have even fewer parents(5-7)if I asked them to pay. (interesting)