Regarding filing and paperwork:
PTOs and PTAs have essentially the same requirements for maintaining tax exempt status, 501(c)3 status, liability, etc. Just because an organization operates outside of a national organization does not mean that accountability is less. It seems as though many PTO wannabees don't understand this. If a PTO is not incorporated, the individual liability risk to officers is greater.
Tim, you seem to have a few answers. How about Illinois,our pta assoc,says 2/3rds vote for all members,too hard.we have 215 and only 15 might actually have something to do with us. But we want out asap.Can you help or know someone who can,pta does not want to help us out.Were stuck....thank you
If you're in the PTA, you should have no trouble calling the state PTA office and asking them for a copy of the bylaws.(I'd hope.)
This from Pennsylvania PTA: "NOTE: If you need assistance or additional information, contact the Pennsylvania PTA State Bylaws Chairman, whose name and address appear in each issue of PTA in Pennsylvania. You may also contact the State PTA Office, 4804 Derry Street, Harrisburg, PA 17111-3440, phone 717-564-8985, FAX 717-564-9046, or e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.."
Here are PTA bylaws from Virginia. Interestingly, the provisions for changing in Virginia are different than the provisions in the MA example above: