I have been in charge of the PTO monthly newsletters for a few years now and as mentioned they include--upcoming events/dates
volunteer information--Volunteer thank you's
box tops/campbells labels info
new this newsletter--meet the officer-just alittle paragraph about each PTo officer-a get-to-know deal
PTO officer and email info
market day reminder
Some months our newsletter is jam packed and other months its not You can really make it as detailed as you want or not. Most of all Have fun--I look forward to doing our newsletter every month
I'm working on our newsletter right now. This will be the first year that the PTO puts out a newsletter. I don't have a format yet, but I talked about upcoming events, how to become a volunteer, school uniforms, Box Tops, etc. I even have a monthly quote included. I might ask the principal if she wants to say something. That's what most PTO's do with their newsletters. Good luck.
This is the first year that our PTO will be creating, printing and circulating a newsletter.
We need ideas for content and real-life examples. If you have a link to your newsletter on-line, please send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..