I agree with Renee, it is not the junk in schools making kids obese, its a combination of lots of things. Kids should be educated to make good choices, not mandated by the government.
also see parentsaction.org and stiritupamerica.org, for WHAT we concerned parents can do to get rid of JUNK in our schools. the latter is promoted by jamie lee curtis. check out the sites, very informational.
Our elem. schools do not have pop machines but the middle school & high school do. They also have juice,gatorade, and water machines. But they are in the process of getting rid of all the pop machines there. I think some of the childhood obesity is from inactivity (parents not limiting tv,video game time,junk food, and being active as a family) and some of it is hereditary.
do you have a link for the coke deal, or where to get more infos? ive not heard of it. i would love to help get rid of junk foods and drinks in schools. thanks
Just wondering how the new soft drink deal between Coke and public schools is going to effect your school?
With childhood obesity being such a hot topic this seems like a big step in the right direction.
Our elementary school(K-5)never offered these drinks to students in the first place, so just wondering if this is as big a deal as they say or just more political jibber jabber.