Don't do it. It happened to our school and luckily no lawsuits were pursued. The ONLY thing that we can do is place a sign that REMINDS people of the vote, date & time. Flyers have to be the same way.
Good Luck.
Yes, it is a hard subject. But I really feel it depends on each individual situation and what the levy or referendum is going for. Is it something that is really needed and will not having it pass severly impact the students in a negative way?
What the impact is of the levy or referendum passing will also dictate how your parent group membership feels in whether they support or do not support the levy or referendum. Ultimately if your group is asked to do such a thing they should discuss it at a meeting and take a vote on whether or not to support it.
Like I posted above. Our case was severe in that our schools were run down and way overcrowded (we have first grade classes with 29 children in them)
We would have failed the next state inspection due to all the repairs that were needed and that would have resulted in a huge loss of state funding for our school which would have then impacted all kinds of programs and classes. We were also in a position that our state would give us 6 million dollars (YES 6 MILLION) towards our construction and additions if we passed the referendum. Someone posted above that "You should be spending the money on things for the kids not signs for swaying the public" and I can only say that in some cases helping to get it passed is for the kids. We all knew that getting ours to pass was the most important thing we could do for our kids. The most important thing our kids need is a good education and a safe enviornment to get that education. If we couldn't help secure a good & safe educational future for our kids then what are we here for?
It cost us about $300 for flyers and signs and in the end ours passed by a huge margin as it was clear to the mass majority what a dire situation our school was in. So again I really think it depends on each individual situation and what the money is going to give your school and of course a vote should always be held to determine how you handle such a situation.
Our Superintendent also asked at the PTO Board lunch (All PTO pres. from the buildings meet)each PTO to donate $$$ for our April levy vote to pay for stamps, envelopes, and paper, etc. Some buildings flat out said, "NO." At our meeting in Feb., we discussed and voted to put $$ towards the cause. We really don't have the funds. Our by laws says we are to work with the school to provide high quality education. Our levy is to provide a raises to our teachers/staff and stay competitive with other local districts in salary and retirement.
I wouldnt touch it with a 10ft poll either that just opening a whole can of worms that could lead to a world of trouble.
Maybe like someone else said have both sides talk and parents can decide. But buying the signs would showing that the PTO is all for it.
You should be spending the money on things for the kids not signs for swaying the public. JMHO
Cindy<br />
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<br>"People have the right to be stupid, but some abuse the privelege."