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Gifts for pta executive board members

19 years 10 months ago #72605 by Critter
Our last meeting (June) is going to be a Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast. I'm not sure if the staff is going to take a role in the planning (this is a new idea), but at least we the board will put it together. It's impossible to know who to invite, and who to thank, so we're making it an open invitation to anyone who feels they made any sort of contribution. Since that's so open-ended, we're going to have a couple of dozen small geraniums as thank you tokens. Any that are left behind will be planted in the school garden. I'm prez this year, and I hadn't really given much thought to thanking the other officers with any sort of public gift. You guys have got me thinking...

I recently chaired a big event at our school. I received several kind, heart-felt thank you notes. But the thank you that choked me up was a contribution made in my name to a local children's charity affiliated with our district. That's a great way to thank someone who enjoys working with kids.
19 years 10 months ago #72604 by MomOf2Gals
Replied by MomOf2Gals on topic RE: Gifts for pta executive board members
I do the school newsletter so our May newsletter will be the last one for the school year. I took the entire PTO News page to write a thank you to ALL our families, teachers and students who've contributed to this successful year. I pointed out my executive board and thanked them for their teamwork this year.
19 years 10 months ago #72603 by Shawn
Books for library, gift certificates, extra charms fro the bracelets (ie. My mom has 4 eagle scout charms and the girl scout highest honor- I forgot :mad: - my little sis is gonna hurt me- on a bracelet), flowers (never met a woman who didnt like 'em- 'specially from ME)

Most of our board doesn't expect gifts, thanks or much recognition (just more help and members) but I know they like it when it unexpected.

I see no reason to not put a small amount in a general teahcer, volunteer, board, or anyone else that needs it "Thank you" fund. ;)

<font size=""1""><font color="#"black"">Liberalism is not an affilation its a curable disease. </font></font><br /><br><font color="#"gray"">~Wisdom of Shawnshuefus</font><br /><br><font color="#"blue""><font size=""1"">The punishment which the wise suffer, who refuse to take part in government, is...
19 years 10 months ago #72602 by merdunlap
Replied by merdunlap on topic RE: Gifts for pta executive board members
Our school staff has a Volunteer Appreciation brunch each year. Staff members bring pot-luck dishes, students make thank you cards, and small gifts (like a potted plant) are given to each volunteer. It is nice to be recognized by the staff and students for the work we do, whether it is serving on the board, helping a teacher with copies, or helping chaperone a field trip (plus a million other things that our great families do!) :D
19 years 10 months ago #72601 by C. Brooks
Replied by C. Brooks on topic RE: Gifts for pta executive board members
Lanette, can't go wrong with fried chicken. You got taters and slaw with that? LOL!

We are a small school. One year I had a dinner at a local dinner and presented some small gifts. One year I had fruits and meat trays. Hardly anyone turned out for that. Last year there was a pot luck after the PTO meeting. Alot of complaints. I just think it is nice that volunteers can get together and relax and have fun with each other.

Though I've not got to put many hours in this year I did receive the cutest shirt, a frame, and coin holder. These were given during the Success Celebration last Friday, but I didn't have enough notice to arrange to get down there. I've had to start babysitting due to lack of sub work. My boys seemed proud that my name was called anyhow.

I concluded my Character Counts session last week and the teacher presented me with a Willow Collection Angel Ornament and get this.. a Dr. Seuss thank you card. How awesome is that?

The principal usually presents out going board members with plaques. I think mine is really pretty.
19 years 10 months ago #72600 by Lanette
Replied by Lanette on topic RE: Gifts for pta executive board members
I have read so many wonderful ideas in this thread. I wonder though, do any of your schools give you a Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon? Something from the school itself to thank you for volunteering. We have our luncheon in the library & I believe it has become a tradition for fried chicken for some reason.

As far as Teacher/Staff Appreciation we do it for a week. Every day is a different theme & parents sign up to bring in different food items & we feed the teachers & staff lunch for a week. I didn't mean to get off topic but someone said something about it.

Also I'd like to know when Volunteer Appreciation week is. I really like some of the ideas I saw & would like to implement them for next year.

[ 04-30-2005, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: Lanette ]
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