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School Uniforms in Public school??? YES!/NO!

20 years 2 weeks ago #72401 by mykidsmom
I have found washing the boys pants inside out in cold keeps them navy blue a little while longer but I'm also in Denver SO it's still chilly enough the boys aren't too hard on their pants. Mine go through shoes though! No sure if they get hungry and chew on them or are just hard on them but I would rather deal with holey pants!

Have you tried Sears? They actually have a guarentee on their kids stuff! My oldest daughter would wear out her jeans before she out grew them and they would replace them. I would check into it! I think they carry French Toast uniforms. Now this may sound crazy, I try to Scotch Guard the boys white shirts but they can also wear navy blue so guess what they wear more!! Sure I love the crisp shirts....I should have clarified, when they are still crisp and white! My oldest son breaks out from bleach SO there goes that! I do use hydrogen peroxide (the active ingredient in oxy clean)

My daughter won't give up her "hoodie" even though the wrist bands and now so she can slip her thumb through them like a fingerless glove. She is the hardest on the policy and pushes the limit everyday, but if she didn't I would take her temp!

Maybe we can start a topic just about stains!

[ 02-26-2005, 11:47 PM: Message edited by: mykidsmom ]
20 years 2 weeks ago #72400 by curlykidz
Replied by curlykidz on topic RE: School Uniforms in Public school??? YES!/NO!

Now that my kids have had uniforms for a few years, I love the nice white shirts and navy blue dockers....tucked in, no bellies, and just as dirty when they get home as the kids not wearing uniforms

LOL, that's part of my gripe, although it's more specific to my son than my daughter. I also like a nice white shirt... but my son's polo shirts are a :mad: to clean... requiring a pretreat, detergent, bleach and oxyclean. Prior to school uniforms, I rarely needed bleach. Now, I bought jumpers for my daughter to wear with her polos so them getting stained is a non-issue. And the girls' uniforms are a lovely polyester blend that does not fade. Every brand of pants I've tried for my son fade like nobody's business... not to mention he regularly 'blows out' the knees... even on the reinforced uniform pants. Seven months into the school year, my daughter still looks fresh and neat in her uniform, but Tyler is down to two out of five pairs of pants, and both of them are close to having 'holy knees'. This close to summer (for Arizona, anyway), I'm just trying to hang tight until shorts season next month, because who knows whether any pants I buy him now will fit him next November when our weather cools down again.
20 years 2 weeks ago #72399 by mykidsmom
That's how I afford to have my three in uniforms! I have a great network of friends that inform each other of clearance, specials, etc!

I thought I would hate the idea having grown-up in the Catholic school (I was spared, but my cousins weren't!) and hated the plaid etc. But now I see the "crap" kids are allowed to wear it's just....let's just say we thought the 80's were bad! :D

Now that my kids have had uniforms for a few years, I love the nice white shirts and navy blue dockers....tucked in, no bellies, and just as dirty when they get home as the kids not wearing uniforms :D ;)
20 years 2 weeks ago #72398 by <SHC>
Replied by <SHC> on topic RE: School Uniforms in Public school??? YES!/NO!
My kids attend a K-3 school in a district that has a district-wide uniform policy. There has not been an impact on grades and behavior as a result of the uniforms... but it's probably a lot easier on the staff not to have to administer a dress code. We live in a low income area where I frequently see kids wearing what I consider inappropriate clothing.

Personally, I would never choose uniforms. I am very much a bargain shopper, I take great pride in my children's appearance and resent having to shell out additional money for uniforms that I don't find particularly attractive. While uniforms are not terribly expensive, I can buy twice as many outfits by shopping outlets and clearance racks... not to mention that I still need to buy 'regular clothes' for my kids to wear after school and on weekends. However, since there are a number of parents in this area who think it's appropriate for their 9yo to wear belly shirts and short shorts or oversized shirts and 'hang off the butt' pants... I just grumble quietly.
20 years 3 weeks ago #72397 by mykidsmom
I forgotto mention the parents totally againt...left. Education is the best right now and to sent out a survey with this just an idea is...not smart.

Hitler??? out Catholic Schools! Great history lesson Michelle! My mom-in-law thanks you too! She lived in Germany during that time.
20 years 3 weeks ago #72396 by mykidsmom
I am at a K-12 Charter School(public) and we have have a uniform policy for our students for the last five year and we love it!

Cost- I just paid less than $15 for uniform pants and over $20-closer to $30 for one pair jeans for my oldest daughter (14 yrs). Many parents find the uniform clothes are more reasonable, eispecally when not purchased through a large uniform company. We have even started a uniform recycle for those that need help.

PRO- we had a problem with a neighboring a school coming on our campus. This really helped solve the problem (and we moved)

The students look nice, you know when you go on a field trip these are your students and our school have recieved so many comments about how great our students looked and well behaved.

We heard plenty about how students won't be allowed to express themselves. The School Board also came back and said "But we don't feel it is a productive, learning enviroment if John has purple spiked hair and Jane gets to wear her skirt up to there and shirt open to there! Our high schoolers were allowed to wear dress oxfords until two gals decided to show off what God gave them over the summer. The parent had the nerve to say it was their right to express themsevles...the Dean asked "Expess or Expose?" Mind you these gals were more like Dolly Pardon than Britany Spears but none the less, oxfords shirts (botton down) came be worn by boys K-6.

The Board also wanted to set a "higher standard" at our school. We look like a private school. The teachers even notice a differance in our students compaired to other schools. Middle school esp.

Disapline- well first the fights nearly disapeared but the move helped that too. Seriously, our high boys are great boys and well, a geek only sticks out because of their glasses and jocks are only seen through....sorry it's not an issue! Girls are a little harder. They still love to do up their hair ( what girl does it?!) and you hear some caddy remarks but teachers or friends nip it in the bud! Sure we still have a few clicks but it's really not like our's from the 80's. We do see problems with the younger grades btu it's more towards Mom not buying what is on the uniform list but what she thought would look SO cute. Also the 5th grader girls that wear those 2" heeled shoes that are (again) SO cute but not in code.

Once a month the kids do get to have a dress down day, the Student Council asks for the students and teachers to pay $1 and it's been a great little fundraiser for them! The first one made $1200!!

The PTO supports this by offering info where to purchase and who has sales, who has itemson clearance and recycle for those that need it.

It works for our school, sorry to hear it's such a bad idea. What seems like a bad idea to some has been a saving grace to us. I get the look and education of a private school at a nice public school!
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